Islamic personality – 8 elements to configure

Islamic personality

The Islamic personality is characterized by justice, mercy, tolerance, patience, optimism, sincerity, honesty, honesty, moderation, humility, tolerance, and cooperation, and these features constitute the basic foundations of this personality that urges hard work, charity, and the preservation of human and moral values.


By clarifying the features of the Islamic personality, we can identify the characteristics that Muslims must develop and enhance in their daily lives, and work to build a strong and integrated Islamic personality that helps them deal with the challenges and difficulties they face in life.


Definition of Islamic personality

The Islamic personality is a set of features that characterize the Muslim person, and the qualities that he should be, and the personality includes mental, physical, and spiritual qualities, and it is the symbol of everything apparent that the other can discern in his dealings, and it is a mixture between morals, mood, and behaviors,


and then the Muslim personality is considered as qualities that a Muslim possesses and distinguishes him from others, whether these qualities are ideological, moral or social, and he also believes in the Islamic religion as an intellectual and doctrinal approach, and seeks with all his hearts To apply it in everyday life.


Elements of the Islamic Personality

The Islamic personality is characterized by several elements that require a great deal of hard work and continuity in achieving and developing them to be a good example in society and achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter. The components and features of the Islamic personality are as follows:


  • Taqwa: It is the fear of Allah Almighty and the person’s commitment to the teachings and values of Islam.
  • Honesty: It is a commitment to honesty and honesty in all matters and actions.
  • Justice: in all matters and situations, and impartiality and bias towards anyone.
  • Charity: It is dealing with a charity to others, contributing to building society and alleviating the burden of injustice.
  • Mercy: It is dealing with kindness, tenderness, mercy with others, and compassion with them in all circumstances and situations.
  • Patience: It is to be patient and calculating in all matters, and to endure difficulties and afflictions with patience and calculation.
    Righteousness: Persistence in the truth and non-deviation from it.
  • Humility: not being superior to others, and dealing with everyone with friendliness and dreams.
  • Moderation: It is achieving balance in all aspects of life, and not being emotional and neglecting things.
  • Seeking forgiveness: It is turning to Allah Almighty by seeking forgiveness and repentance from sins and sins.
  • Science and learning: It is the learning and permanent development of knowledge, science, and self, social and spiritual development.
  • Fraternity: It is working to bring hearts and harmony between people, and work to strengthen social and human ties.
  • Relying on Allah: It is relying on Allah Almighty in all matters, and relying on Him to achieve goals and overcome difficulties.


The Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The believer is familiar and composed, and there is no good in those who do not know or compose, and the best of people is the most beneficial to people” [al-Dar Qutni].


And Allah -Almighty- said: {And the servants of the Most Merciful who walk on the earth are us, and if the ignorant address them, they say peace} {that reward the room with what they have patience and greet it with peace} [Al-Furqan: 63-75] And says: {The believers who are humbled in their prayers have succeeded} {And those who are on their prayers keep} [Al-Mu’minun: 1-9]


According to the religious texts mentioned in the Holy Qur’an or the hadiths of the Prophet, it is clear that the Islamic character is:


  1. A conscious personality together.
  2. Sufficiently knowledgeable and committed.
  3. Psychologically and spiritually balanced.
  4. Striving in word and deed.
  5. Independent character.
  6. Deep faith and certainty in what is happening.
  7. No negligence and no overkill.
  8. Following Sharia without paying attention to other jurisprudence or interpretations.


What are the elements of building the Islamic character?

The foundations of building the Muslim personality consist of several factors, including:


1- Islamic education

It is education that takes place through study and training in the teachings, values, and morals of Islam, and is carried out through books, educational courses, and religious lectures.


2- The Holy Quran

It is a book that contains the words of Allah revealed to His Messenger Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), and through reading it and contemplating its meanings, the Islamic personality is developed and its relationship with its Lord is strengthened.


3- Biography of the Prophet

It is the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), which reflects the principles and morals of Islam, and through the study of his biography and the analysis of his teachings, the Islamic personality is developed and its pillars and features are established.


4- Positive thinking

It is thinking that is done by removing negative thoughts, obsessions, and psychological obsessions, and starting to think positively and be optimistic about life, and this is done through reading and listening to the verses of the Holy Quran, seeing the conditions of the Companions and followers, and having the ethics of the Holy Prophet.


5- Charitable work

It is the work that is done by contributing to building society and helping others and is done through volunteer work, charitable donations, and participation in charitable work.


6- Positive relationships

These are relationships that are characterized by positive communication, cooperation, tolerance, and understanding, which are done through attention, improvement, and the development of social relations.


7- Psychological stability

It is stability that is achieved through the control of emotions and feelings, and it is achieved through faith in God Almighty and trust and reliance on Him in all matters.


The Influence of the Muslim Personality in Society

The Islamic personality has a noble message in this life, and it meets the conditions for success and payment in every step it takes in building society, and therefore it is a social personality that interacts with others, and comes into contact with different cultures of different and different cultures, and in addition, it is an influential figure for the superiority of its message, the nobility of its morals, and its distinction from others.


Whenever a Muslim person is aware of the matters of his religion and worldliness, he is like guidance and light for others, he is a niche, the source of goodness, and the source of guidance and advice, distances himself from evils, forbids others from doing them, and orders people to do good by his words, work, heart and behavior, and therefore he has a great responsibility towards his community as a qualified person who has been enlightened by the guidance of the Quran and has been enlightened by the Sunnah of the Prophet.


Therefore, the Muslim personality leaves a positive imprint on society and achieves a positive impact on the people around it. It is worth noting that the influence of the Muslim personality starts from the individual himself and extends to the family and society, and needs constant work and continuity in achieving and disseminating it.


Challenges and risks to which the Islamic personality was exposed

The Islamic personality has been exposed to many challenges and risks throughout history, the most important of which are:


1- Historical challenges

The Muslim personality has been subjected to many historical challenges, such as wars, invasions, persecution, and religious and racial discrimination, and Muslims must address these challenges and defend themselves and their religion.


2- Modern challenges

Nowadays, the Islamic personality is exposed to many modern challenges, such as extremism, terrorism, religious distortion, Islamophobia, and racial discrimination, and Muslims must address these challenges and address them through dialogue, awareness, and spreading awareness of true and moderate Islam.


3- Cultural challenges

Muslims in some countries face cultural challenges, as they have to adapt to different cultures and deal with difficulties that arise from cultural differences while preserving their Islamic identity.


4- Social challenges

Muslims are sometimes subjected to social, economic, and political discrimination, and they must face these challenges with hard work, patience, and diligence, and achieve success and excellence in various fields.


5- Internal challenges

Muslims have to face internal challenges that arise through personal difficulties and psychosocial challenges, which need to constantly work on self-improvement, development of the Islamic personality, inner peace, and psychological comfort.


6- Educational challenges

Muslims must address educational challenges, achieve quality and continuous education, develop skills and abilities, and pay attention to scientific research and community development.


7. Political challenges

Muslims are sometimes exposed to political challenges, such as oppression, persecution, and political discrimination, and must address these challenges by working to achieve truth and justice and to raise awareness of the rights of Muslims in society.


What methods can be used to address these challenges?

Education and awareness

to combat extremism, terrorism, and distortion of religion, and to spread awareness of true moderate Islam.


Dialogue and understanding

coexistence with other societies and cultures, exchange of ideas and opinions, work to bridge distances and reject extremism, intolerance, and hatred.


Volunteering and charitable work

humanitarian to improve the social, economic, and health conditions of society, and to achieve justice, charity, and goodness.


Alliances and partnerships

with organizations, associations, and individuals involved in the fields of charitable and humanitarian work, and building fruitful partnerships to achieve positive goals.


Reliance on Islamic teachings

and good morals called for by the Islamic religion, which include tolerance, peaceful coexistence, justice, and charity.


Solidarity and solidarity

Muslims can join hands and stand in solidarity with each other, strengthen their ties, work together to achieve common goals and promote unity.


The challenges facing the Islamic personality are many and numerous, and require huge efforts and great cooperation between Muslim societies to displace these ideas that have been attributed to this true religion, and which have nothing to do with it from near or far,


and then Wahion Youha Academy began this path early to teach the Muslim individual the elements of success of the Islamic personality and the elements of building it, and the ethics and behaviors that must be demonstrated to spread awareness and strengthen ties to build an integrated society based on the foundations and principles that came in the verses of the Holy Quran.


Sources and references

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