Reasons and causes in the Holy Quran

Reasons and causes in the Holy Quran

Reasons and causes in the Holy Quran are sensitive issues in Islam. Everything in this universe is going by amount, there is no disagreement between fate and taking the reasons, the reasons are estimated as the causes, and if the prevailing belief is that the causes occur without their causes or what paves the way for them, this is a false belief and is not in line with the reality of fate,


and then we had to take the reasons because they are estimated better, and this is what the master of creation (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) did, he believed in fate and destiny – good and evil -, if God’s destiny is a valid right, it is because it is based on the Sunan on which this universe is fixed.


But what is the meaning of the reason? And what does it have to do with the cause? And what is the difference between them? This is what we will explain in more explanation in this article with a review of the law of causality in the Holy Qur’an and the types of causes.


The meaning of Reasons and causes in the Holy Quran and the difference between them

Reason: It is the means, the way, or everything by which one reaches the desired or desired thing. The reason is the rope and what it reaches to others, and it was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in nine places, so it came singular in five places, and it came in the plural form in four places, and it came in all of them in the noun form.


The word reason in the Qur’an according to the context has five meanings:


  • (And we brought him from everything for a reason.) The reason here means science.
  • (So follow a reason) (Then I follow a reason). He came up with the meaning of the way.
  • (Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him in this world and the hereafter, let him extend for a reason to heaven and then cut off, let him see whether they go as his hand is not angry). In the sense of the rope.
  • (And Pharaoh said, O Haman, son of me, a statement to Ali the most eloquent reasons) (Or do they have the King of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, let them rise in the causes) The reasons mean the gates of heaven and its paths.
  • (Those who followed were disowned by those who followed, saw the torment, and were stranded.) It means affection.


Types of causes

Causes in the Holy Quran are divided into two types:


1- Material reasons

Such as water, God has made a reason for bringing out plants and fruits, and it is also a reason for man’s livelihood, the Almighty said: (And water came down from heaven and brought it out of the fruits as a livelihood for you).


2- Moral reasons

Such piety, God has made a reason to separate between a person and what he fears, so he survives himself, the Almighty said: (If you fear God, He makes you a difference).


The cause is the results obtained when taken, such as: eating and satiety or studying and success, eating is a reason, and satiety is obtained from it, any cause. Studying is a reason, and success is a consequence of it, that is, a cause.


Hence, the difference between causes and causes is that causes are the means that lead to what is required, while causes are the results that occur when taking the causes, while God – Almighty – is the cause of the causes: that is, due to His wisdom, so the causes lead to their causes.


Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah said in it:


“He is the Almighty living effective for what he wants, the Almighty, the Wise, the Merciful and Friendly Expert, there is no god but him, and everything else is poor to him, and he is rich from what else, does not complete with others, and does not need others, and does not seek the help of others in an act, and does not reach the servants of his benefit and benefit him, nor harm him Vdroh, but he is the creator of causes and causes, and he is the one who inspires his servant to pray, then answers him and facilitates his work, then rewards him and inspires him to repent, and loves him and rejoices in his repentance, and he is the one who He used the believers in what pleases him, and he is pleased with them, so he did not need to do what he loves and pleases him to others, but he is the one who created the movements of the servants that he loves and pleases, and he is the one who created what he does not love and does not satisfy from their deeds, because of his wisdom that he loves and pleases (He is God, there is no god but Him, praise be to Him in the first and the hereafter, and He has judgment and to Him you will return) There is no god but Him (if there were gods in them but Allah, they would be corrupted).”


Verses of taking the reasons in the Qur’an

The introduction of the reasons is divine worship, and a cosmic Sunnah, and we must take them and work according to them without separating them from God – Almighty – when taking them we must be sure of God by not believing that these reasons affect themselves separately from the divine wisdom, the Almighty said: (Whoever does a good deed, male or female, and he is a believer, let us live a good life and let them get their reward with the best of what they were doing).


This religion is the religion of trust and not dependence, the religion of work and not laziness, and this is what the prophets and the righteous applied, and therefore the adoption of the reasons is a universal Sunnah and obligatory worship, and this is shown through the following verses:


(So we inspired him to make the ark with our eyes and our revelation, and if our command comes and the enlightenment flees, then walk in it from every two couples and destroy except those who have already said of them, and do not speak to me about those who have wronged that they are drowned). [Al-Mu’minun: 27]


(And he makes the ark, and whenever he passes by, he is filled with his people, they mock him, and he said, If you mock us, we mock you as you mock). [Hud: 38]


(And he said, “Ride in it, in the name of Allah, its course and anchor, for my Lord is forgiving and merciful.” [Hud: 41]


(And we inspired Moses, to strike with thy rod the sea, and it broke apart, and every difference was like a great toad.) [Ash-Shu’ara’: 63]


(We have enabled Him on earth and brought Him a reason from all things, and He followed a reason.) [Al-Kahf: 84]


(And shake thee with the trunk of the palm tree, and it will fall on thee with a damp reap.) [Maryam: 25]


The master of creation (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If you had entrusted Allah with the right to entrust Him, you would have been blessed as a bird does, and you would have become a sheep and a blanket.” [Saheeh: Narrated by ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab]


When we go at the beginning of the day and until we return at the end of the day, we must trust in God and take into account the reasons.


Causality in the Holy Quran

Nothing can happen by chance, everything that happens in existence happens for a reason, and this reason redeems a result from it, whether it is related to humans, animals, astronomical phenomena, and natural accidents, and then causality means linking reasons to causes, so they are not separate from them, but they occur from them,


and causation is a general and comprehensive law, and it was mentioned in the Book of God – as we mentioned above – including material reasons and moral reasons, and God is the cause of these reasons. Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah said: “There is nothing in this world and the Hereafter except for a reason, and Allah is the Creator of causes and causes.”


Stories about taking reasons

There are many stories in the Holy Qur’an to emphasize the importance of taking the reasons as divine worship applied by the prophets as a method according to which to work.


1- In the story of the Prophet of God Yusuf – peace be upon him – Joseph said to his father: (O father, I saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon I saw them prostrate to me) and the Prophet of God Jacob – peace be upon him – said to him (He said, O my son, do not tell your visions to your brothers, so they kid you kid).


and this educational curriculum is a beacon to meditate and work with it, he advised his son to take the reasons if he told his brothers what he saw, so they kid him, kid, so the preparation of the Prophet of God Jacob was early for this matter because he understood and expected What his brothers will do to him because he knows best of their natures and intentions.


2- In the story of the companions of the cave, it becomes clear to us the importance of taking the reasons when Allah – the Almighty – said on their tongue after they woke up from their sleep: (So send one of you with this paper to Medina, so that he may see, O most delicious food, let him bring you a livelihood from it, and let him be kind and not make anyone feel for you).


and then they were very careful not to notify others of their existence, and if they did not take the reasons, they may be exposed and tortured, for Allah said on their tongue: (If they appear against you, they will stone you or send you back in their kingdom, and you will never succeed.)


3- One of the manifestations of the introduction of the reasons in the Holy Qur’an, the story of the believing man who suppressed his faith in his heart so as not to fall into the cunning of the cunning or exposed to their evil, the Almighty said: (A believing man from the Pharaoh’s family suppresses his faith).


4- Some stories also emphasize the importance of taking the reasons when trusting, the trust of the slave to God without taking the reasons, is not considered a trust, but a trust and the difference between them is great, so the Almighty said: (And prepare for them what you can of strength and horse strap to intimidate the enemy of God and your enemy and others without them). If they trust in God without taking into account the reasons for good preparation, supplies, and counters, victory will not be theirs.


There is no doubt that taking the reasons is one of the obligatory acts of worship for every Muslim as a universal Sunnah that the prophets believed in before and worked with, and if you have the desire to know all Islamic sciences and Quranic studies very carefully to refine yourself with knowledge, you only have to see and join the Wahion Youha Academy for teaching Quran.


which is one of the leading academies that develop human perceptions and increase his knowledge in the provisions of recitation and intonation, teaching Arabic and explaining the stories of the first, and clarifying the approach of the righteous predecessors.


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